Raise a banner on a bare hill top.  
Shout to them, beckon them to enter the gates.

Isaiah 13 vv12

Misson Without Borders


Our Mission

Mission Without Borders is an international network of Christians who journey with the poor and marginalized, bringing practical and spiritual support with hope of a better future, enabling and encouraging people to lift themselves out of poverty, always sharing the hope that is found in Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

Our Vision is for lives to be transformed across generations with hope for the future.

Our Values

Christian - we are Christian and live out our Christian faith boldly and with humility. We serve Jesus Christ in all we do and share with others the hope and joy we have in Jesus Christ.

Integrity - we act with integrity, accountability and transparency.

Committed to the poor - we seek to relive the suffering to the poor and marginalized and to encourage their transformation out of poverty. 

Church Strengthening - we work with and through local churches helping them build capacity for their ministry/involvement in their community.

Respect - we value people and respect those we serve, regardless of age, gender, race, faith or social status.

Partnership - we seek and value partnership between beneficiaries, communities, churches, authorities and donors. we seek to listen continuosly to the communities with whom we work and to each other to enable our work to be relevant and beneficial to all.

Stewardship - we seek to be good stewards of the resources that God has provided.

New Barn Christian Fellowship are just one of 339 churches that are supporting this mission







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